Burberry Inspire Schools
Please click or tap on a school name to find out more about the schools that are taking part in this inspirational programme.
Our vision at Airedale Academy is of a world where all children and young people are given the opportunity to thrive, succeed and aspire.
Our mission is for every child to leave our school equipped with the essential skills they need to contribute effectively to society and to become well-rounded, confident, happy adults. To do this we believe in the core values of our MAT and try to keep these at the heart of what we do: Ambition, Bravery and Respect. All staff encourage the whole of the academy community to aim to be the best they can be academically, socially and personally. We recognise that this isn’t always easy for some young people; our aim therefore is to not only offer support and guidance, but to help remove any barriers to every young person’s success. We place great emphasis on transition from primary school through a full transition programme. Students take their options in Year 9, so that in Year 10, they are able to specialise in the subjects that they enjoy and can achieve in. We work very hard to ensure that all students feel supported through the pressures of revision, examinations and sixth form advice and guidance. We acknowledge that the best schools do not just foster individual talents through the curriculum alone, which is why we offer a diverse range of sporting, scientific, artistic, cultural, creative and musical extra-curricular activities. Over the years we have developed a culture of reward, respect and celebration. Staff and students are proud to welcome visitors to our school.
Castleford Academy is an outstanding, high achieving and successful Academy.
We are extremely proud of the Academy and the high quality of education we provide. We have high expectations and insist on high standards for all students. Students are taught to have an excellent attitude to learning and to behave in a way which shows respect to themselves and others.
Co-op Academy Leeds is a community where we provide an education for life.
Our great opportunities prepare students for their future, becoming compassionate and responsible citizens. Dedicated to ensuring this is our fantastic team of colleagues! It’s important to us to provide an excellent education for our students – inside and outside of the classroom. We raise their aspirations, develop skills and enrich their lives. As a result, our students succeed as valuable community members. Here at Leeds we have a rich diversity of cultures and languages. We celebrate this and ensure our students make the best of their talents through the opportunities provided. This is especially clear through our extra-curricular offer. We’re really proud of our pastoral care. We care for each member of our community so they always feel supported and valued. We’ve high expectations for everyone in our community. Our respectful, calm and productive environment is a place where everybody can thrive and enjoy working and learning together.
Cockburn John Charles Academy is a member of the Cockburn Multi-academy Trust whose focus is on each individual, acknowledging both their rights and responsibilities.
Teaching and Learning drives an ambitious curriculum that seeks to stretch and challenge all students through academic rigour. A strong care, support and guidance structure supports learning throughout the school. Through dedication and hard work our students will have a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment.
We widen the aspirations of all students, to help them to reach destinations that are ambitious and fulfilling. We value the arts, both as part of the curriculum and as part of the school’s extensive enrichment and extra-curricular programme. Our vision is to create opportunities within and beyond the curriculum to enable each student to become confident, independent and successful citizens in modern Britain.
Dixons Unity Academy was founded on 1 October 2018 and is an 11-16 academy which serves the local community; however, we do have students who travel across the city to learn with us.
Situated on the borders of the communities of Armley, Wortley and Bramley, the academy consists of 702 students in years 7 to 11 and we have 240 places available for year 7 students in 2019. We believe that all students, from all backgrounds and all cultures can climb the mountain to university or a viable alternative. We place a focus on building the resilience and self-respect which allows us to reach our goals. Students and staff are required to demonstrate integrity and respect at all times and remain values-driven. All staff demand the highest standards of behaviour and learning to ensure that students get what they deserve: a high quality education which allows students to become lifelong learners and enrich their communities with their mind-set, knowledge and skills.
South Craven School is a large, thriving and successful comprehensive school situated in Cross Hills.
Learning is placed firmly at the heart of the South Craven School community. Our main priority is to ensure our students have the best opportunities for success and the highest possible aspirations for the future. We are very proud of our excellent reputation in our local community and aspire to provide the highest quality of education for all of our students regardless of ability or background. As a school we recognise our responsibility to provide young people with the skills and qualities they need to respond to the challenges of a fast changing world. We do this by promoting our South Craven Learner principles of Courage, Enquiry and Growth and focusing on preparing our students for life as active and productive citizens.
We value each and every one of our students and aspire for them to achieve academically, socially and personally. Our formula for success is built on partnership between home and school, teacher and student, school and community. We are also part of the Red Kite Teaching School Alliance, where we work alongside a number of schools from Leeds and North Yorkshire.
The Ruth Gorse Academy is an outstanding provider, delivering high quality education for each and every student.
At the academy we prepare young people for an ever-changing world that values self-confident, well-educated and enterprising individuals. As an academy, we aim to go above and beyond to make sure that our young people get an outstanding experience throughout all aspect of their education.
Burberry Inspire is an exciting project that has offered our young people the opportunity to work with specialists from a range of fine art sectors. Our students have particularly enjoyed working with professionals from Northern Ballet and have used their expertise to develop their creativity and self-confidence. Northern Ballet have helped us excite our students during what has been a very challenging lockdown experience and we are thankful for their support during this time. We are excited to continue our partnership with Burberry as we look forward to the final stage of the project.
University Academy Keighley is a great place to be for learning, guidance and opportunity.
We are a true community academy, sponsored by the University of Bradford and City of Bradford MDC, located at the gateway to the stunning Yorkshire Dales. Our school ethos is very simple, “Aspire, Accomplish, Achieve”, and this is embedded in everything we do. We ensure each and every one of our students, regardless of ability and background, have high aspirations for themselves and realise that, with hard work and the correct guidance, they can achieve their dreams! Students feel cared for and safe at UAK and are extremely proud of their school and the wonderful facilities in our new building.
As well as excellence in teaching and learning, we offer a wide range of opportunities to our young people, from playing sports, work experience, attending army camp, drama clubs, reading groups, which all contribute towards a well-rounded young person who is ready to take on new challenges after their time here.