The Art of Digital Storytelling

The worlds of biomedical engineering and digital storytelling collide!
From listening to fairy tales as a child to telling stories to our friends, we’ve all learnt the basics of storytelling in our everyday lives. But how do you translate this to the digital world? We invited students from Southwark College and Queen Mary University to join us for a digital storytelling workshop at the Royal Academy of Engineering to find out how!
First up, students learnt how to find and tell a story. Our students opted to tell the story of what they do to encourage young people to consider biomedical engineering as a career, plus how engineers are striving to help decrease the number of pre-term deaths in babies.
Armed with their story ideas, our student engineers interviewed and filmed senior figures in biomedical engineering to create elements for their digital stories. And with the help of an Adobe Sparks workshop they learnt how edit their photos and footage to create fantastic, engaging digital stories. But don’t just take our word for it, you can check out some of their work here
Are you a student, teacher or creative professional? Want to get involved with our workshops? Get in touch!