Work Experience with Karmarama

The Future Creatives took part in a working work experience with Karmarama. Now, we know you are probably wondering how working work experience differs from work experience!?
Working work experience is an intensive work simulation, putting the Ideas Makers through their paces as they took on real roles within an agency. These included project manager, strategist, creative and account manager. They received live emails from the client and even attended meetings with some tough negotiations!
Working on briefs is a lot of fun and helps our Ideas Makers develop umpteen transferable skills, but allowing them to experience a day in the life of someone in an agency (with a few major curve balls thrown in) helps them truly understand what these roles entail and the pressures of day to day work.
“I didn’t really like the idea of being bossy and having to chase people for updates, but it had to be done because we had a deadline and had to keep the client happy” Annabel – Global Academy
“Doing all the research and insights was cool, but I didn’t realise our job didn’t end at the beginning of the project.” James – Global Academy
A huge thank you to the team over at Karmarama for hosting the first of many working work experiences!
If you are interested in taking part in our next workshop taking place in February half term, drop us an email –