The IPA i List 2020 – Special Mentions …
IF CEO Heather MacRae appears in THE i LIST 2020 Special Mentions
Explore our latest projects and insights from The Ideas Foundation community.
IF CEO Heather MacRae appears in THE i LIST 2020 Special Mentions
The Canon South Africa collaboration has helped WSO to strengthen and
Help Karmarama with design ideas for their Karmarama Kadets Web and Insta sites
As part of our #IFLOVESMCR takeover, we spoke to Kate Lander MIEP, L&D Advisor Brown Bag Films UK
The Manchester College sits at the heart of education and career progression for many of the city’s most disadvantaged wards, as well as providing the broad based digital creative curriculum which covers all bases of the Manchester’s fast growing creative and digital economy.
Throughout April we be shining a spotlight on our work in Greater Manchester and introducing our community of supportive local partners from both education and industry who are helping us to set
new benchmarks for creative employer engagement
The Burberry Foundation has a longstanding relationship with Yorkshire and a history of supporting its communities, such as tackling educational inequality through a partnership…
You wouldn’t normally associate Burberry with the word rubbish, but this March young people in Whitby and Scarborough used household waste to invent their…
This executive summary contains the headline findings of our evaluation
Former Olympian and Creative Entrepreneur, Peter Bakare, is at Manchester College this week.
That's all folks!
That's all folks!