The brightest ideas don’t come from one place

Or one type of person

Every young person has unrealised potential. Opportunities to thrive are often affected by factors outside of their control. We believe access to high quality creative learning experiences make a big difference to social mobility and improving life chances. At the Ideas Foundation, we partner with young people, educators, companies and funders to nurture a new creative class.

We are nuRturing a NEW creative class through:

  • Work-related projects with an opportunity to turn an idea into reality
  • Showcasing the talent that is being overlooked if employers don’t look at areas where children have less advantage either because of their class, geography, ethnicity, or disability
  • Developing students’ skills, E.g. collaboration and confidence - using creative experiences to see themselves and their futures in a more positive way
  • Partnerships with schools and colleges to seek out and nurture the next generation of skilled creative thinkers – the adaptable, resilient, problem solvers and innovators wherever they may be in the UK. We break down subject silos and by bringing our powerful, award-winning educational programmes to these young people, they learn to value their ideas, see their career potential and ignite new creative energy in our partner organisations. From the classroom to the boardroom, we are educating a new creative class
  • Resources that nurture creativity introducing & connecting young people to creative professionals; raising career aspirations by sharing skills and experiences

And it’s not just the students who pick up new ideas.

Industry people tell us they’re learning just as much from our students as our students are from them. Teachers who support the programme say they’re more creative in the classroom. And lots of our students are now on the path to a creative career for life. Some have already got jobs. Learn more about how you can support us

The Ideas Foundation's vision is simple yet profound:

We believe that creativity is not just a talent, but a skill that can be developed

Every young person has unrealised potential. Opportunities to thrive are often affected by factors outside of their control. We believe access to high quality creative learning experiences make a big difference to social mobility and improving life chances. At the Ideas Foundation, we partner with young people, educators, companies and funders to nurture a new creative class.

Why Mentoring Makes Masterful Sense

We empower young people to come up with ideas, think differently and problem-solve creatively. Through our projects students gain the soft skills of communication, collaboration, and confidence. We encourage students work to be celebrated through exhibitions, through digital platforms and within their communities. And for students who have an ‘aha’ moment that they might like to take on a career using their creativity we offer connections and careers advice.

We know that creativity has been squeezed out of many schools – our projects demonstrate the value of creativity across the curriculum. And we are championing the talent of young people who might be overlooked – trying to encourage a more inclusive society. Learn more

Mentor a new creative class


Creativity doesn’t have a class. But it should have a place in the classroom.